Last fall we held a live performance of Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy for the Haitian community in New Jersey, in memory of the victims of the 2010 Haiti Earthquake.
Before the performance, a 14-year-old boy told his story:
“I was four years old, standing next to my big brother in the kitchen. ‘Get under the table! Fast!’ he yelled before the house began to crumble around us.
“Then everything was dark and silent. I found myself alone, under that table, surrounded by cement rubble. For eight days I had no food, and I think the water I found was given by Jesus to keep me alive. When I was rescued, I learned that my brother had died instantly.”
Many other tragic stories were told of the horrific day when a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, killing at least 220,000 people.
What a profound experience this was for actress Jennifer Pagano, who plays Saint Faustina in the live production! “The boy’s testimony came into my mind during the show several times. During the scene where Jesus is scourged, I felt true spiritual turmoil within my heart, thinking of the suffering these people had endured. This was also the first audience to sing along with me several times during the show.”
Bertha Andre, who organized this performance, told us afterwards, “Souls have been touched! You have no idea how you are changing people's lives through this mission entrusted to you. Not enough words to thank Saint Luke Productions for your hard work of bringing hope in a suffering world, especially to my Haitian community, through Divine Mercy.”
So thank you, dear friends of Saint Luke Productions! Your generosity makes moments like this possible.