"I left the Church feeling almost as if I had seen the Lord himself." ~ Paula B. |
"You gain a more profound appreciation for the PASSION and Mystery in Saint Luke’s account of the Gospel in this dynamic special." ~ EWTN |
"There are no words which would adequately describe the power and beauty of your work. The memory of last evening will be with me always, burning as a bright, guiding light in my faith." ~ Bill Button |
"The actor's portrayal of the Gospel of Luke was so convincing, children came up to him afterwards and addressed him as Jesus." ~ Fr. Owen Campion |
"It was riveting!! When they drove in the nails, I literally jumped in my seat with every blow. From as early as I can remember, I often wondered what it would be like to have been alive to actually 'see' Jesus. Thanks to Saint Luke Production, I feel that I've come as close as I dare in this life time!!" ~ Mak, Stanwood, WA |
I am 70 years old and my wife and I have been married for 50 years. We saw you perform The Passion According to Luke early in your ministry. After that we attended every production we could. Thank you for so many years of faith building inspiration! -C. C., Bellingham, WA |